Flashing a GRESATEK Smart WiFi Light Switch with an ESP8285 chip (or Joso, or Lyasi, or DLX Control Solutions, DLX-KS602)

A friend bought some of these from Amazon.  I figured out how to flash custom firmware and thought I’d share.  It’s similar to a Sonoff switch, but there are some important differences.

It has a a row of vias/holes for a 4 pin header (top left of middle picture above) like the Sonoff and the ESP-201 boards.  You can flash the chip through that header, but compared to the Sonoff and the ESP-201 boards, the TX and RX are reversed on this board!  I flashed with the Arduino software, setting the board to ‘generic ESP8285 board’, and I selected ‘1M (64K SPIFFS)’.  The switch can be flashed by powering it with 3.3V through the 4 pin connector – disconnect the 120V before doing this.  As with all ESP chips, GPIO 0 has to be held low when powering up, to go into flash mode.  I did this by using fine tweezers to short the top half of R6 to the bottom half of C15 like this:


So then, the blue WIFI led is controlled by GPIO 13. The LED is on when the IO is LOW.

The relay and the bulb LED are controlled by GPIO 12 – they are on when IO is HIGH.

The capacitive touch switch is connected to GPIO 0 and the IO goes low when touched.

Good luck!

There more discussion about hacking these switches here:  https://community.smartthings.com/t/lyasi-wifi-wall-switches-sonoff-plus-ewelink-cloud/